What Makes HotFutbol Special

Many of the core values inherent in sport are compatible with the principles necessary for development and peace, such as fair play, cooperation, sharing and respect.  Using sport as a medium to strengthen community provides opportunity for grassroots participation, leadership training, and economic revitalization.



The HotFutbol After School Program operates 4 afternoons per week and Saturdays.  Children ages  6 through 16 years old participate in soccer training.  Children are divided into age categories with assigned coaches that train them throughout the year.  Friendly matches are played among the age groups.  HotFutbol Teams travel to other fields in Haiti  to play matches and participate in tournaments.  


Through a new  arrangement,  Feed My Starving Children  stores its shipping container at Park Izmery.  This arrangement provides  employment for  community members as they  load and unload food for food distribution throughout Haiti.   HotFutbol  employs a cook to prepare food each day for the children after soccer.    In addition, the elderly, single parent families, and the very ill in the community are able to receive food each month.  

Finished Court!!!

Finished Court!!!


The basketball court completed with the collaboration of the nonprofit, BUILDING BRIDGES WORLDWIDE, allows  for basketball, volleyball, futsol, and tennis to be played. The children will now have a choice of sports to play.  Renting the court space will contribute to the long term sustainability efforts.  Donate now to put in solar lighting and showers for the players.