HotFutbol celebrates 5 years at Park Izmery!


 On Saturday we came to the Park at 8:30 a.m. and we left, appropriately exhausted at about 5:30 p.m.  We had the regular full morning program of soccer, and then celebrated the 5th anniversary of HotFutbol's work at Park Izmery with a meal of chicken, rice, and salad for 100+ kids and coaches, topped off with cake and candy for the kids.  Kids are the same everywhere, and it's great to see them simply have the fun and normal development that kids deserve.  Sunshine, kids playing and enjoying each other's company, and a strong sense of community filled the day.  By day's end three of HotFutbol's original goals had been affirmed for me:  First, we have developed an organized program of recreation for children.  Second, Park Izmery has been physically improved because of HotFutbol's partnerships and hard work.  Third, and most important is that the Park is a place in the community where one can can feel a culture of safety and respect from the moment they arrive until the moment they leave.

Elena Evans