Closing the Park Before Coronavirus 19
The HotFutbol program at Park Izmery for 2019-2020 had been sailing along just fine. We had a large increase of girls playing soccer and winning tournaments, a basketball court being rented by community groups, a full after school soccer program, food on every child’s plate after soccer, a wonderful partnership with Feed My Starving Children, a dedicated staff working hard to teach the children and encourage play and good will through sports, a newly composted garden, a new stove to cook the food, newly built goal posts for practice, water carriers, and all the energy and laughter of children, friends, and family.
With the news of COVID 19 HotFutbol closed the programs and the park to help curb the spread of the deadly virus. Before this happened, all the staff were paid, the families of the children received instructions on how to wash hands and keep safe. Food boxes were provided to all. Food distribution from the FMSC container to organizations was completed.
The park is now quiet. The maintenenace staff keep the park closed and safe. The garden will continue to grow and when the children return, it will all be there waiting for them.