Recycled Palettes Build Meeting space, Kitchen, Tables and Benches!
Haitians are best at using what’s at hand and making it work. Recycle? Of course no problem. Recently, a new meeting place was constructed with leftover palettes from Feed My Starving Children food deliveries. The palettes had been stored over time and finally when the time was right, used to construct the walls of a new meeting place. Benches were constructed and the children have tables to eat their meals at. They can also use the tables to study after school. The meeting place also serves as a changing room. It is truly a multipurpose space just as the palettes used to build it. Palettes were also used to construct the walls of a new kitchen for the food to be cooked. The kitchen consists of a gas burner and propane tank with room for the cook to prepare the food. The children line up outside to receive a helping and return to the meeting area to eat. In process is the construction of an office area to store supplies for the sports program - this too made from Palettes!